Installing Oracle APEX on your local PC is a four steps process,
Install APEX
Install ORDS
Apache Tomcat configuration
Final Steps
In this blog I will discuss about first two steps.
Step 1: Install APEX
First of all we are going to install Oracle APEX. Execute the steps in the provided sequence to download, install and configure Oracle APEX.
Download the latest APEX software from the below link
Unzip the downloaded file in a folder eg. in C:\Apex
Create a new tablespace to act as the default tablespace for APEX.
Create Tablespace apex
Datafile 'C:\oracle\oradata\db\apex01.dbf'
size 100M autoextend on next 1M;
Open the command prompt and change directory to the directory holding the unzipped APEX software.
On the SQL prompt, use the connect command to connect to SQL PLUS as the SYS user.
After connecting as SYS user, run the "apexins.sql" script, specifying the relevant tablespace names and image URL as follows:
SQL> @apexins.sql APEX APEX TMEP /i/
Once the APEX installation process completes, change the admin password by running the "APEXCHPWD.SQL" scripts as the SYS user
SQL> @apexchpwd.sql
Create APEX_LISTENER and APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER users by running "apex_rest_config.sql" script
SQL> @apex_rest_config.sql
This completed the APEX installation process.
Step 2: Install Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS)
Now, I am going to download and install ORDS, which is formally known as the APEX listener. It allows the APEX applications to be deployed without the use of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) and mod_plsql or the Embedded PLSQL Gateway. ORDS makes it easy to develop modern REST interfaces for relational data in the Oracle Database.
Oracle REST data services also provides increased flexibility by supporting deployments using Oracle WebLogic Server, Apache Tomcat and a standalone mode.
In this blog, I am going to install ORDS on Apache Tomcat to access Oracle APEX
Execute the following command on SQL prompt to unlock apex public user account.
alter user apex_public_user
identified by manager_21
account unlock
Download and install 64-bit jdk using the below link.
Download Oracle REST Data Services using the below link.
Create a folder and extract Oracle REST Data Services zip file
Install ORDS using advanced installation using command-line prompts.
Open a command prompt, switch to Java folder (C:\Program Files\Java) and type
Java -jar D:\ORDS\ords.war install advanced
Enter the location to store configuration data :
Specify the database connection type to use.
Enter number for [1] Basic [2]TNS [3]Custom URL
Enter the name of the database server [localhost]:
Press enter to accept localhost
Enter the database listen port [1521]:
Press enter to accept 1521
Enter 1 to specify the database service name, or 2 to specify the database SID[1]
Enter the database service name
Enter 1 if you want to verify/install Oracle REST Data Services schema or 2 to skip this step[1]
Enter the database password for
Confirm password
SYS password is required to verify ORDS schema.
Enter the administrator username : SYS
Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA:
Confirm password:
Enter the default tablespace for ORDS_METADATA [SYSAUX]:
Enter the temporary tablespace for ORDS_METADATA [TEMP]:
Enter the default tablespace for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER [USERS]:
Enter the temporary tablespace for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER [TEMP]:
Enter 1 if you want to use PL/SQL Gateway or 2 to skip this step
Enter the PL/SQL Gateway database user name [APEX_PUBLIC_USER]
Enter the database password for APEX_PUBLIC_USER:
Confirm password:
Enter the database password for APEX_LISTENER:
Confirm password:
Enter the database password for APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER:
Confirm password:
This concludes the installation of ORDS.
Thanks for giving time to my blog. Second part will be released soon.